Sundaraijal Children's Home

The Future is in their hands

Paula, our dear volunteer, nurse, and many other things, has been giving special Yoga classes to our children based in the Suryakiranam methodology by Isabel Cervantes, from Kaivalya Yoga School in Barcelona most of the children have been atten

Sundaraijal Children's Home   Ram Hari Khadka

B.P. Chowk - 44603   Sundarijal, NP-BA, NEPAL - +32.476487763 -

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Suryakiranam: Yoga for Kids with Paula

News Suryakiranam: Yoga for Kids with Paula

Picture Suryakiranam: Yoga for Kids with Paula 1

Paula, our dear volunteer, nurse, and many other things, has been giving special Yoga classes to our children based in the Suryakiranam methodology by Isabel Cervantes, from Kaivalya Yoga School in Barcelona

most of the children have been attending her classes daily. this method is very well addapted to children to enjoy but at the same time to learn to feel and know their body and find the way for relaxation.

the classes consist in 4 parts:

  1. chanting mantras
  2. different yoga asanas
  3. relaxation and head massage
  4. colouring mandalas

if you want to see more about it, check this link:

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